American Green Lights
China Factory Sourcing and Inspections
Having visited over 500 different factories in Taiwan and China, our team is capable of matching your product and production needs with the right factory, whether in the USA or throughout Asia. Our resources include suppliers along the entire production process from raw materials to complete product. Our Asia Support team can assist with sourcing LED Lighting and Controls products, Solar Panels and Controls products, and other Green Energy Products!
Services and Capabilities
---Energy auditing and Lighting Design Consulting
---Lighting Simulations and Analysis
---Private Label and Custom Product Manufacturing
---China Factory Sourcing and Inspections
---International Infrastructure Projects
Energy Auditing
American Green Lights energy experts can audit your facility to determine areas of potential energy savings, and provide product selections to achieve your optimal energy savings with targeted payback time frames.
Lighting Design Consulting
Our Lighting Designers can help you lay out the optimal mix of product and fixture locations to optimize your illumination needs, taking into account recommended illumination levels, uniformity, glare and other factors as recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society (IES).
Lighting Simulations and Analysis
Proper lighting design includes computer simulation utilizing actual measurement data from certified lighting fixtures, and creating a computerized virtual environment, placing objects and fixtures into the model, and simulating the illumination levels to be achieved by the lighting layout. This assures proper lighting levels, uniformity of lighting, and eliminates over-illumination or under-illumination of your subject facility.
Private Label and Custom Product Manufacturing
Our Engineers can prototype your concept in our San Diego Laboratories, and develop production designs, cost reduction strategies, and mass production strategies to bring your product to market. Our R&D engineers can help you provide the perfect balance between product quality, cost control, and time to market to meet your goals and objectives. Our experience with independent testing laboratories and product certifications can speed your product development cycle and assure compliance with local codes and standards.
© 2021 American Green Lights LLC. San Diego, CA. All Rights Reserved
10755 Scripps Poway Pkwy #419. San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: 858-547-8837 FAX: 858-547-8850